Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to manage a story once the party divides? I remember the first time I read The Lord of the Rings as a young person (I think I was nine?) and being incredibly frustrated at each change of perspective once I got to The Two Towers. You’d spend so much time with a set of characters, sinking into their journey, and then you’d be dropped at a cliffhanger and move to a different group for the rest of the book. I hated having to wait so long to have the suspense resolved. Thinking about that now, though, a big chunk of time spent with each group might be preferable to the way The Eye of the World has been jumping perspectives each chapter. I don’t know why but it makes the pacing of the story feel a little jarring to me.
That being said, I am still enjoying being in different people’s heads, and I am really enjoying the addition of Elyas into our cast of characters. Seeing him basically take up a parallel role to Thom, each looking after two of the young people, is really interesting.
Good morning and welcome, fellow travelers, to week seven of Reading The Wheel of Time. Today we are tackling chapters 24-26. There is something sort of sleepy about this section of the book. The peril is still there of course, but there aren’t any Fades or Trollocs actively popping up until the very end of Chapter 26, and so it sort of feels like we’re spending time world building and setting up for the next stage of ‘everything is going wrong’ fight-or-flight action.
Rand has another dream about Ba’alzamon in which the Dark One is chasing him through a bizarre maze of stone ramps and spires that go on and on without reason or end, surrounded by thorny briars and walkways that are paved with skulls instead of stone. He is aware that he cannot escape but can only keep moving endlessly, aware that Ba’alzamon will catch him if he stops for too long, but also aware that the Dark One may be around any corner. He is also faintly aware that he is dreaming, but avoids thinking about it clearly, because the dream threatens to dissolve around him and hold him in place when he does.
Eventually he does run into Ba’alzamon, but before the Dark One can hurt him, Rand thinks of a way out and shouts that he is dreaming. With that, both Ba’alzamon and the maze surrounding hem disappear, replaced by a mirror-like place where Rand can see his own reflected image everywhere he looks, and somewhere behind, Ba’alzamon searching for him. At last the image of the Dark One starts to draw closer until his face and Rand’s become one image. One face.
Rand awakes on the Spray, the boat he and Thom and Mat boarded to escape the Trollocs, and is momentarily relieved that the nightmares are over for another night; until he realizes that the finger he pricked on a thorn in the dream is bleeding in real life.
Traveling down the river is mostly occupied by Thom performing for the boat’s crew Mat and Rand receiving gleeman’s training to keep up their cover of being Thom’s apprentices. Thom is also concerned about the crew mutinying as the danger from the Trollocs seems to fade into the distance but Captain Domon continues to drive hard down the river. Rand is more concerned by Floran Gelb, however, who is clearly hoping to stir up resentment against the unexpected passengers, albeit with little success.
They also observe great statues and a strange metal tower, relics of bygone ages, and Domon tells them stories of other great mysteries from around the world. Domon speaks of wanderlust, how the horizon will pull one from adventure to adventure, but Mat only seems interested in where he can find treasure, and Rand finds himself more concerned with insisting that he will go home one day, to be a shepherd like his father.
Four days into their trip Rand is up on top of the mast, watching the men working below and enjoying his odd, bird’s-eye view. On some strange impulse he tries balancing without holding on with either his legs or his arms, and finds the experience exhilarating. Suddenly he realizes that Thom has climbed up with him and is entreating him to come down, and Rand does so by sliding down a line of rope and dropping neatly onto the deck. Rand’s feeling of euphoria at his stunt doesn’t ebb until Thom points out that he was able to convince the Captain that it was part of gleeman training and that everyone thought Rand might have gone mad. Then Rand is suddenly horrified and actually falls over to sit on the deck in awe of his own actions. He cannot understand what happened to him, thinks perhaps he really did go mad, knows that he must get to Tar Valon.
But Rand also has other things to worry about, like the fact that he discovered Mat in possession of a jeweled gold dagger from Shadar Logoth. Mat makes Rand promise not to tell anyone, even Thom, insisting that the only two Emond’s Fielders can only trust each other. Rand agrees, although he insists to Mat that the others are still alive.
While all this is happening, Perrin and Egwene are traveling with Elyas and his wolves. Perrin continues to be aware of the wolves’ feelings and where they are eve when he can’t see them. He does his best to ignore these feelings, but he also no longer dreams of Ba’alzamon. Instead he has normal dreams about normal things, but in each one a wolf is there guarding him.
After several days of traveling they encounter a group of people known as the Tuatha’an, also called Tinkers or Traveling people. These people have a bad reputation for the folks from Emond ’s field as thieves and vagabonds, but Elyas scoffs at this and the three join the Tinkers for a while. Elyas has met their leader, the Seeker, before, and is friendly with him. In their time with the Tinkers they learn about “the song” which they believe was lost during the breaking of the world, and if found again, will restore the good times of the Age of Legends. They also learn of the Tinkers’ devotion to pacifism, which they call ‘The Way of the Leaf’ and Egwene develops a close relationship with the leader’s grandson Aram, spending more time dancing and eating with him than she spends near Elyas and Perrin, much to Perrin’s chagrin and worry. They are also told a strange story, about a group of Tinkers who traveled into a place called the Aiel Waste and encountered a dying female warrior there. Although the Aiel people despise the Tinkers and would normally never speak to them, the injured woman gave her last breath to pass on a message.
“Leafblighter means to blind the Eye of the World, Lost One. He means to slay the Great Serpent. Warn the People, Lost One. Sightburner comes. Tell them to stand ready for He Who Comes With the Dawn. Tell them….”
The Seeker, Raen, admits that neither he not any other Tinker can make sense of the words, and that this troubles them, since it was clearly so important to the woman who passed on the message. He says that he had hoped Elyas would know the answer but Elyas cuts him off before he can give his reason for such a hope.
When the Spray arrives at Whitebridge, Captain Domon kicks Floran Gelb off his ship, then asks Rand, Mat, and Thom to stay on the ship and travel down to Illian. Despite Thom’s urgings that this plan will keep them safer and that Rand shouldn’t trust the Aes Sedai, Rand insists that they are going to continue on to Tar Valon. Still, he is having his own misgivings, a voice whispering in his head that he is foolish to believe that the others are still alive, to consider himself a hero from one of Thom’s stories. A voice that whispers that Rand will spend the rest of his life running.
Thom takes the boys to an inn to gather information, hoping to hear world of Moiraine and Lan, and maybe the others as well. Thom engages the innkeeper in a slow and rambling conversation, having admonished the boys to let him handle the questioning. They learn that the False Dragon, Logain, had been defeated and captured (with help from the Aes Sedai) and that refugees were flocking away from the battle even as townsfolk flocked to see the prisoner as he was transported from town to town on his way to Tar Valon. This way everyone would see that he had been defeated and the world was safe again. The fact that Logain did have some kind of ability interests Rand, as does all the news, but when Thom starts subtly angling for news about their companions, he grows impatient with news that the people of Illian are having another hunt for the Horn of Valere, which must be found before the last battle with the Dark One, and with the innkeepers repeated efforts to engage Thom’s services in his inn. He abruptly steers the conversation on to the subject of wanting to meet friends, and when Thom describes the party, the innkeeper’s demeanor changes at once. He tells them all to leave as soon as they can, and, when Thom presses him to elaborate, admits that a “weaselly” and possibly crazy man came into town asking for some people of the same description; a fighting man, a woman in silk, and three country boys. But worse than that, the next day another person came.
It’s easy for Rand and his friends to recognize the description of the “other one” to be a Myrddraal, and this time he was also asking after a girl and a “white-haired gleeman.” The innkeeper urges them to leave as soon as they finish their wine, and insists that he has never seen anyone fitting their description.
Thom tries again to convince them to go to Illian, but Rand continues to refuse, despite the danger, despite the voice still whispering in his head. He is certain that there is no safety for them anywhere, even far away in Illian. He tells Thom to go and leave them, and Mat, he is shocked to see, is ready to back up Rand’s words with his hand on the secret Shadar Logoth dagger.
Just then they hear laughter and talking on the other side of a partition where they sit. Floran Gelb is telling other inn patrons about the Trolloc attack, and worse, suggesting that Rand, Thom, and Mat were darkfriends in league with the Trollocs. Thom springs into action, knowing that Gelb’s stories will be reaching others in the village and that the three of them are no longer safe together or on the Spray. He divides his money between the three of them in case they are seperated and the three climb out the window into an alley.
Thom tells the boys to wait for him, and Mat demands to know why Thom is helping them. The gleeman explains that he once had a nephew named Owyn, who “got in trouble” with the Aes Sedai. Thom regrets not trying to help the boy until it was too late, and hopes that he can make up for failing that boy by getting Mat and Rand to Tar Valon. Then he leaves them in the alley, while Mat and Rand discuss the tale. Mat is very suspicious of Thom, and when Rand asks him about it, the other boy admits that the running and strange people have made him frightened and suspicious of everyone. Rand says that he is too frightened to be suspicious.
Thom comes back wearing a new, different cloak and is satisfied with his disguise when it takes even Rand and Mat a bit to recognize him. They leave the alley separately, keeping each other in sight but acting like strangers, but all their precaution is for naught when a Fade appears in the town square. Knowing that they cannot outrun it, Thom shoves his possessions into Rand’s arms, tells them the name of an inn in Caemlyn, and orders them to run.
Thom attacks the Fade, who is so surprised by the unexpected action that Thom gains a momentary advantage. Mat and Rand run, along with pretty much everyone else in the square, right out of the city gates in a terror-filled mob of people. For a moment Rand is tempted to go back for Thom, and then the two turn away from the gates and start again on their long journey.
This leisurely traveling section has allowed the narration to show us more of the world, not just in terms of towns and cities that Rand and his friends have never seen before, but in terms of what once was. The description of the giant statues carved into the cliff faces reminded me of the statues at Argonath in The Lord of the Rings, but I was even more interested in the description of the mysterious metal tower and of the White Bridge itself. In some ways, The Eye of the World follows a typical sort of “Third Age” narrative in the vein of LotR and other epic fantasy novels; the characters and the narration look back on an earlier age where people were stronger, life was better, and great cities and monuments were built. But the way those old ruins are described in this section reminds me a little more of The Dark Tower series than more traditional epic fantasy.
(Quick note: slight spoiler for the ending of The Dark Tower at the end of this paragraph.). In The Dark Tower, references are made to a past that was more technologically advanced than the present. While the statues at Amon Hen or the great city of Minas Tirith were incredible, there is no suggestion in The Lord of the Rings that their builders had access to cranes or jackhammers or laser technology. A lot of epic fantasy looks back to a sort of idealized medieval time as the height of civilization, and part of the quests is often trying to reclaim that old greatness. But in the Dark Tower references are made to things that we the readers would consider modern technology, and little hints are dropped in about those sciences even before we learn about the Old Ones, and there is even a theme of fusing magic and technology. Meanwhile, in this section of Eye of the World, Rand sees sights the people of his time don’t entirely understand, like the metal tower and the White Bridge, made out of its mysterious substance. It is evidence of a time gone by, a great time with better technology and more wealth, and, of course, a better connection to magic. I can’t help thinking about the fact that both stories involve some kind of time loop and how that changes the tales’ perspectives about what the past really is, and what exactly we are trying to reclaim.
In addition to the world building of the physical world, I feel like I learned more about the One Power this time around as well. Back in week three I had some theories of what or who might be influencing Rand’s bizarre behavior around the Children of the Light, and wondered if Ba’alzamon might be manipulating him in some way. Now I think I might have realized the true explanation. In Chapter 21, Moiraine described the after-effects of touching the One Power for the first time: “Headaches and numbness and exhilaration all mixed together, and… taking foolish chances or acting giddy.” All that describes both how Rand acted with the Children, and how he acted on top of the mast of the Spray. If my theory that he used the Power to help Bela run is correct—and I suspect it is—then all this oddness would be perfectly explained. Also, if I am right, that means that both Rand and Nynaeve touched the Power for the first time to protect Egwene, who herself is also possessed of that ability. I’m not sure what that will mean going forward, but it is an interesting observation. I guess it also means that Rand is now on a deadline until totally insanity.
There is a distinct parallel in these chapters between Perrin and Egwene being looked after by Elyas, and Rand and Mat being looked after by Thom. Rand and Mat are even learning some gleeman’s skills, just as Perrin will clearly eventually gain Elyas’s connection to wolves. These lanky older gentleman are both knowledgeable and very private, and right from the beginning you get the sense that there is more to them than meets the eye. I have been waiting for the missing piece of Thom’s story since we met him.
Poor Thom! I guess this was his Boromir moment, making up for letting Frodo Owyn down by protecting Merry and Pippin Mat and Rand. There is something symbolic I think, about him giving his cloak and bundle to Rand, and a part of me wonders if he might not survive somehow. Thematically it makes sense for this to be a true death, but something about the rushed way the Owyn story was presented right before it was important seemed, well, not very Robert Jordan. If there’s one thing this author doesn’t do, it’s fail to set things up well ahead of time. So I guess I will hold out hope for now; maybe Mat was right to question Thom’s story, even if he is being weird now and possibly possessed by Mordeth.
Speaking of weird, creepy guys, I’m guessing that the weaselly man who asked about the group is probably Padan Fain. His strange behavior in Baerlon was never explained, and although it’s not exactly unusual for people to be suspicious of Moiraine, his repeated insistence to Rand that she could not know about him seems relevant. It would not surprise me at all to learn that he was working with the enemy somehow, either voluntarily from the beginning or possibly under duress after nearly being killed in the Trolloc raid on Emond’s Field.
It’s been really interesting learning a little bit more about the world, and the complexities are starting to come to the surface now. I’m getting a little worried about Rand, to be honest. I find the character suffers a little in the way that main heroes sometimes can in epic stories, especially at first, in that his personality and quirks aren’t as interesting as a lot of the others. But in some ways I think that fact is actually building the suspense around his identity as both a person with the gift and as the Dragon reborn. I’m starting to feel like he’s on the cusp of something, just waiting to discover himself and become a full person. I am also really curious about Elyas and his secrets.
Next week (Chapters 27 and 28) we’ll spend more time with the Traveling people, as well as get back to see what Nynaeve, Lan, and Moiraine are up to. Hopefully their travels are less fraught than Rand and Mat and Thom’s, but I highly doubt it. In the meantime, join me in the comments and let me know what you think of this week’s read, or white out your spoilers and laugh with each other over all the things I guessed wrong in this post. The choice, gentle readers, is yours.
Sylas K Barrett works as a writer and actor, lives in Brooklyn, and has nothing clever to say this week. Cheerio!
Kelsey – nice work on this. Thoughtful insights and some guesses that just…might….be … on point.
You have some typos for the moderator to fix. The Aiel people despise (not dispose) the Tinkers; and “…tells them to the name of an inn in Caemlyn…” – the “to” should be deleted. ,
@1 – Fixed, thank you :)
I’m just excited to be along for the ride :) You are definitely on the right track with the reference to a time with both better magic and better technology.
As I recall my way of dealing with the bifurcated storylines of lotr was to simply read ALL the Rohan/Minas Tirith chapters and then the Mordor chapters.
My very bad and wrong opinion regarding LOTR POV swapping is that I only ever dreaded switching back to Sam and Frodo. (And maybe I should use present tense, since I just reread the whole thing last week, and felt the same way.)
Admittedly, WOT compounds this potential for frustration by having, by my math, fifty million percent more POV characters, many of whom are… well, you’ll see.
In any case, questing (ersatz) adventurers stumbling on and around derelict ruins of a once great civilization, that was invariably greater and more profoundly magical (or technologically advance to the point of appearing magical) than their current world state, is one of fantasy’s catnip tropes for me. WOT’s version of this trope is of course a rather popular subtrope in and of itself, but Jordan’s use is still unique and uniquely interesting. Reading it for the first time, as a teenager, was especially mind-blowing. (Though he does not, as another popular fantasy author has recently done, have his characters make use of a long-lost cache of assault rifles during a climactic battle against where everyone otherwise has only medieval tech. I don’t think this counts as a spoiler.)
Considering the little things the OP is picking up on, I’m starting to hate them in small but significant ways. Most of this stuff I didn’t notice until the WOTFAQ pointed it out.
At last the image of the Dark One starts to draw closer until his face and Rand’s become one image. One face.
JSGFKJSDLFJKWELJKDFL. I did not know this was set up so early. Rand is supposed to see it as freaky DO mind screwing but it’s too similar to later Rand/Moridin (I do not ship it) prophecy. Is this the longest running prophecy/omen/imagery in the books? I mean from appearance to fulfillment.
Nice blog, Kelsey. Still waiting for you to be tripped up in your assumptions…
There are things mentioned in these chapters that’s setting up events happening in book 13 (and book 14).
@@@@@ noblehunter #6 Yes the Rand/Ba’alzamon in the mirrors was absolutely foreshadowing.
@@@@@Kelsey Once again a brilliant job of picking up on hints most of us missed our first time through. As to Jordan and the technology of the previous ages, all I can say without spoilers is that you might find Jordan is quite fond of sprinkling into his writing something associated with the holiday observed this past Sunday. :)
@6 – I don’t remember the timing of it, but I do recall Robert Jordan saying he knew the ending since he first started thinking about the series (IIRC). So I’m not surprised if the…event…was set up this early.
One of the more forgettable sections of the book for me. Much better yet to come. It really is a different experience reading it at this speed than when just reading for fun. At a normal pace, after the tension of Shadar Logoth I imagine most people breeze through these chapters trying to figure out where the next danger will come from.
Kelsey, what do you think of the Tinkers as kind of idealized pacifist wandering Gypsies? There aren’t a lot of parallels in fantasy to that kind of people. Closest I can come up with is the wandering horse traders from Kushiel’s Dart, the Tsingano (had to look that up).
*EDIT* UGH!!! How could I forget the Ruh?! Kvothe will never let me hear the end of this.
Typo in the paragraph where Perrin & Egwene meet the Tinkers, should ready Elyas and Perrin, not Thom and Perrin:
They also learn of the Tinkers’ devotion to pacifism, which they call ‘The Way of the Leaf’ and Egwene develops a close relationship with the leader’s grandson Aram, spending more time dancing and eating with him than she spends near Thom Elyas and Perrin, much to Perrin’s chagrin and worry.
“All that describes both how Rand acted with the Children, and how he acted on top of the mast of the Spray.”
Great catch. I didn’t catch this until it was pointed out to me in the WOTSpoilers Podcast (which you should only listen to if you’ve finished the series).
6. noblehunter When I read that section, I had a definite sense of “Holy Foreshadowing, Batman!” It really was set up early and I never caught it.
@Mr Rune (#12) Thanks for the catch. I tend to put the poor editor through the ringer with my misspellings and typos, haha. Sometimes there’s just so much you want to get down in a short space!
Are you maybe recalling the Argonath, not Amon Hen?
The sailor’s name is Floran Gelb.
Thom is both Boromir and Gandalf (Fly, you fools.) RJ likes to mix several characters in one. Thom Merrilin sounds like Merlin, and Gandalf is also a Merlin character. Moiraine is the other part of Gandalf, the magic-user in the party who recruits the hobbits/farmboys.
@princessroxana (#4) An excellent strategy! My wife always skipped all the poetry. I love that sort of thing, but I can’t blame her either.
@tgbh (#11) The pacing on the read does make a big difference in how one absorbs the material. Breaking it down like this gives me lots of time to get into the meat of the themes, world-building, character arcs, etc. but also more time to realize when I’m just reading page after page of running. Or mountains.
As for the Tinkers, I find them really interesting. Commenters have mentioned to me before how many different types (nations?) of people there are in The Wheel of Time and how they are built from various references in our world–I think it would be really fun to do a post later in the read that just looks at the world-building of the various peoples of WoT. What most interests me at the moment, though, s the question of the Way of the Leaf and how this pacifist belief system fits into a world where there is a literal physical Devil-type being sending monsters to kill and corrupt people. I’m going to touch on that a little more in next week’s read.
@sps49 (#15) Yep, you are right. I get those two names mixed up every time.
@brigit (#16) Crap, thank you. I sure am having fun adding all these names to my computer’s dictionary.
Yeah, I have noticed that about the mix of characters. It’s very interesting. Makes me think even more strongly that there’s more to Thom’s story than what I’ve seen yet.
@17, When I was thirteen I skipped the poetry too. On my first reading I was so eager to see what happened next I skipped a lot, including much of the talk-talk of the Council of Elrond and so spent the next several chapters trying to figure out where Strider had gone and who this Aragorn was ;)
@princessroxana (#19) Let’s be fair, councils in LotR never shut up. That’s amazing, though. XD
I enjoy the cultural artifacts of past ages even more than the physical artifacts, because so many of them appear to be Easter eggs. When Thom arrives in Emond’s Field and starts his promotional spiel, we get to hear about the exploits of John Glenn and Sally Ride (“Lenn” who “flew to the moon in the belly of an eagle made of fire” and “his daughter Salya walking among the stars”), along with Mother Theresa (“Materese the Healer, Mother of the Wondrous Ind”), and what sounds alarmingly like a thermonuclear war between Moscow and the British Commonwealth (“Mosk the Giant, with his Lance of Fire that could reach around the world, and his wars with Alsbet, the Queen of All”). And then, more prosaically, there’s “The Thousand Tales of Anla the Wise Counselor”…
I love almost all of the WoT scenes that follow characters as they travel from one location to another. In many ways, these types of chapters ARE the Wheel of Time for me. Forget overarching story line … gimme a good adventure with characters traipsing from one location to another and I’m happy.
There IS an answer to that question, but, well… Spoilers. And you’re in for a bit of a wait. The interesting part will be seeing if you either care or remember by the time that answer comes!
@22 You can tell RJ loves that kind of story too. He made the most popular in-world book “The Travels of Jain Farstrider.” Travelogue lovers rejoice!
These are dry and unexciting chapters for the most part, and I tend to skip over them during re-reads – except for the nuggets of world building and character development built into them.
Only because I am deeply involved with the Tolkien Professor’s classes I note that in LOTR there are many references to an earlier time with higher technology whether of the Elves (who caused all sorts of towers to be built) to the Numenoreans (who built the unbreakable Orthanc as well as the Hills of (Far) Seeing and (Far) Hearing…
I also liked reading these hints at the wonders of the world, though I like some of them – and Thom’s hinted-at stories — more before learning that they referenced real-world things, as LauraA noted. In particular, “the belly of an eagle made of fire” sounded much more interesting to hear about than a space shuttle. But that’s me.
@22: Agreed. Many readers dislike travelogues, but I categorically love them.
Who thinks you can get out of a maze by always turning in the same direction??
“I will strangle you with the corpse of the Great Serpent” is a pretty good threat.
I was surprised that the sailors went barefoot to keep from slipping. But it makes sense. Prolonged abrasion on rough surfaces will wear down shoe-soles (especially in the absence of rubber treads and suchlike, I expect) but make foot-soles more callused.
“Sooner or later, there’s bound to be trouble when two humans are together.” Ha, truth.
“The leaf does no harm”…except in self-defense if it’s a cactus spine, or toxic, or covered in prickles, stinging hairs, or substances that do nasty things to a person’s skin. Your metaphor is faulty, folks. But you’re not especially ugly.*
I liked Perrin trying to imagine girls who fight Trollocs in the Blight. ///And like Leigh, I wonder how they learned the message they gave. /// (Whited out because we never learn the answer).
Dudes, Aes Sedai didn’t come from the Blight. ///They might have been much more interesting if they had.///
I was interested to learn that a Myrddraal’s gaze can cause terror even unseen – it’s not just the sight of their horrifying eyeless faces, but some kind of magic. Though I’ve long been bemused that “the look of the Eyless is fear” is a Borderland “saying,” when it seems to be a straightforward fact. ///Like “the kiss of the Dragkhar is death.”///
*The hosts of the Song of Ice and Fire “Not a Podcast” podcast usually spend part of each episode thoughtfully discussing why they believe a certain fan theory or popular opinion is wrong, concluding with “So if you think _____, then your theory is bad and you are ugly.” It’s their shtick.
@24, I once wrote an LoTR fanfic that turned into a travelogue of the Lost Realm of Arnor. And I couldn’t figure out how to end it! We just traveled on and on…. Do you think that could have happened to Jordan?
I forgot to ask: how does a handshake have “a touch of scorn”?
@29 Come down to Alabama and announce yourself as a progressive atheist and watch all the Sunday School teachers line up to deliver that *particular* flavor of judgemental pleasantness that we are know for down here. Shade is a southern tradition. :P lol
I love how it’s in the world building that a lot of little teasers and foreshadowing gets done in Jordan’s works (not just WoT). I also love how innocuous that he makes these things, yet how important they actually are! Like the merging faces: so important, so not touched on for 13 more books.
I love the concept of the Way of the Leaf (why is it characters with those things keep making me cry?) and how important that these concepts (and the Tuatha’an themselves) are to this series.
All the throwaway moments in these chapters that are SO not throwaway!
Off the top of my head (that I can remember from these chapters at least): // Metal Spire. Strange materials that look like milky glass lace. Aram and the Tinkers. Bayle Domon and the Spray. Elyas’ secrets. Thom’s secrets. //
All that describes both how Rand acted with the Children, and how he acted on top of the mast of the Spray. If my theory that he used the Power to help Bela run is correct—and I suspect it is—then all this oddness would be perfectly explained.
For Rand’s behavior on the Spray, look a little closer at that fight with the Trolloc when he boarded, and the oh-so-convenient boom swinging over and knocking the Trolloc away, chapter 20, “Dust on the Wind”.
@Simka (#32) Oh yes, I caught that. ;-)
@28 Jordan’s LOTR travelogue would have split into a dozen separate travelogues as each person met gets their own book.
So I’ve been a bit confused about the “taint” on saidin. Is its main effect just to prevent males from eventually taming their ability to use the One Power and make them go insane? We saw Rand get all giddy and weird after the boat incident and we know Nynaeve got sick after helping Egwene. Moiraine mentions that the women who use it without training will eventually die, so there is definitely a negative impact for both males and females. Is it just that females can sometimes learn to control it while for men there is no hope to control it at all?
@duga #35 This is definitely into read and find out territory, but I will say this much: the Taint is on saidin only. So it only affects males. The impact is insanity. Channeling sickness occurs with both saidin and saidar, as we have already seen and you point out, and thus has nothing to do with the Taint.
@mp1952 #36 So I’m good on my understanding for now, but there will be more? Nice, that’s pretty much what I wanted to hear. I love magic stuff that slowly reveals its nuances over time and it was a big draw to try to get through the whole series.
@duga #37 Yes, you’re right with the caveat that the Taint doesn’t impact a man’s ability to learn control. It only drives him insane.
@tbgh #11 “Gypsy,” although very commonly used, is actually a racial epithet. The people refer to themselves as “Roma” or “Romani.” I learned this fairly recently from a friend who is Romani, and thought I’d pass this information on, as I think many of us are unaware of it.
@39 Thanks for the info! I’d much rather only be insulting when I intend to be . . .
@@.-@ and @5 – wait, seriously, you really prefer the Rohan/MinasTirith storylines over the Mordor one? I find this hard to imagine. I too was incredibly frustrated by the PoV shifts when first reading LoTR as an eleven year old, but only because I loved the Frodo/Sam/Gollum stuff and resented having to work through the other tedious storylines to get back to them. I was (and am) all about the quests, battles = boring don’t care.
@41 I also dreaded the endless slog through the swamps with Gollum / Sam and Frodo.
Always liked Rohan and Minas Tirith much more. Also holds true for the movies.
Fantastic Read by the way. I’m always fascinated how much is revealed/introduced in the first book already. Sometimes makes it hard to remember what happened in the other books!
@41: Exactly. Battles bore me, travels through beautiful and/or hostile landscapes fascinate me, and I adored Gollum.
I’m with @@.-@ and @@.-@1 on dreading switching back to Sam and Frodo. (“Another vomited ash slag-heap?”) But my kids are the opposite. And I do like Sam and Frodo’s stint in Ithilien.
#17 Kelsey, a few have already touched on the Way of the Leaf becoming significant later. What I don’t think anyone conveyed is just how much it will absolutely floor you when you discover how.
You also mentioned in your post about people in the Age of Legends being more in touch with magic. The One Power isn’t magic, at least not really. It’s more akin to the Force in Star Wars. It flows through and around everything and drives the Wheel of Time. People who can channel it are able to do things that appear magical, but…
As to the taint on Saidin.. the Power is often described as a river and the taint as being like a foul oily film on top of that river. Men who channel it inevitably take that taint into themselves and eventually go mad. The first chapter calls it the Dark One’s counterstroke. His final lashing at the Hundred Companions (all men) who, along with Lews Therin, seal him back in his prison.
@46 I think the first paragraph should be tagged spoiler or whited out.
In the words of Sheldon, “Now I’m going in with my mind pre-blown!”
I finally gave in and checked out the first two books of wheel of Time.
I’m up to chapter 17 and so far I am not feeling the love. I will keep trudging womanfully on, but but it’s rough going.
Kelsey I’ve only just started reading this section. Really interested to see your views and found quite a few of your insights are more insightful (if not all dead on)… I’m intrested in your take on the next Rand and Mat sequence as it took me a while to get my head around that bit, but you’ve proven very capable of picking up on what’s going on.
About those merging faces in the mirrors. //
Or — about those mirrors and waiting until vol. 13 or 14. No need to wait so long. You’ll run into the mirrors in the Stone of Tear.
// I didn’t remember that until you pointed it out. Nice.
@@.-@ princessroxana said “As I recall my way of dealing with the bifurcated storylines of lotr was to simply read ALL the Rohan/Minas Tirith chapters and then the Mordor chapters.”
I did that with WoT on a reread, using an online guide to which chapters followed which character. Interesting thing to do, but only after you have the whole thing in the back of your mind
@48 – EOTW is in part very fun and in part a slog with a bunch of characters traveling around the countryside and world building. Ditto re the second book. You don’t get a clear sense what’s really going on until some time in Book 2 and, even, then, the series only really gets rolling in Books 3 and 4. If you’re not sold by Book 4, give it up them. Otherwise, I’d recommend hanging in. 17 chapters of EOTW is an insufficient sample size.
@51, I’ve noticed that it picks up from time to time, usually when Nynaeve is around. Which I guess puts me in the likes Nynaeve category. I think Rand’s narrative voice bores me. And I want to shake Mat till his teeth rattle
@52 Having read the series I don’t buy in to the liking or disliking characters completly. (Although some do change slightly when Sanderson started writing)
I actually related best to different characters at different times. When I first started this series (late 90’s) I best related to the big 3 Rand, Mat and Perrin but they were close to my age. Later reads Nynaeve definitively related to me more.
Rand does become a more complicated person over the books. I certainly would have found him tough if I were to start the series now.
51 is correct if you don’t like it by book 4 (which is one of the best books, top 3 books of the series) you really shouldn’t waste anymore time but if you want to dig in I think if you’re a fan of epic fantasy I think you will enjoy the series.
I strongly disagree with the Tinkers, even they admit that allowing violence to be done them harms the doer. Not to mention encouraging him to continue his violent ways.
@54 By Kelsey’s answer to me, we’ll get more into this next week, but the Tinkers’ pacifism makes more sense when seen with their views on predestination. I don’t remember whether it’s this early on, but they talk about the leaf falling when and where it’s meant to and not trying to force it’s will on the world (or something like that). And I know they talk about going “where the wind takes them” in this section.
This entire world has much more belief in predestination than ours. “The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills.” If you believe everything important is fated to happen, and nothing you do will change it, then it’s much easier to see why these people are against violence even in self-defense. By defending yourself, not only are you hurting another and damaging your own soul, you’re also trying to impose your will over that of the Creator as to what should happen to you.
That’s also why complete predestination as a philosophy is contrary to progress and societal stability.
You know it’s a hoot how Rand thinks Perrin is so good with girls, unlike himself, but Perrin keeps wishing he had Rand’s understanding of women.
@56. This is an ongoing gag throughout the series and expands to include a number of additional characters, before being subverted back at the characters wonderfully. And it’s not just the boys either!
@55, the most frustrating part of the philosophy of the Way of the Leaf, is that in the world of WoT it is a known fact that actions can and do change how and when even strongly predestined events happen. There is enough flex in the pattern for individuals to control much of how the pattern is woven around them, if extremely limited control.
// Important, key events like Tarmon Gai’don will happen, eventually, but exactly how and when is not set into the weave as strongly as that it must happen. This is, of course, where Ta’veren come into play: the Pattern actually trying to correct mistakes (generally caused by free will) and bring about those key events, forcefully if necessary. //
Have ta’veren been mentioned yet? //I thought Loial first explains the idea.//
@57 and 58 – the T word has not yet been mentioned in book (to my knowledge), and it should be redacted under spoiler space.
@56 – Bravo for you on picking this up. As noted by @57, this already has been a running gag. Watch out to see if it shows up again. Good times.
@52 – You’ll find some good non-Nyneave exciting chapters later in the book. For example, Tor.com’s WOT super analyst Leigh Butler picked one of her top ten moments for the entire series to happen later in this book, with Nyn nowhere in sight. I’m not sure it is one of my personal top ten moments, but it is pretty darned good and I get to it in every re-read.) And, as I noted in an earlier post in Kelsey’s series, Mat is indeed teeth-rattlingly annoying at this point in the story.
@58 + @59: Yes, very good point, my mistake. Post edited.
princessroxana – the series eventually moves way past Rand’s viewpoint, so don’t worry. In fact, one of the later books doesn’t even have Rand at all, except maybe in one minor chapter ;)
And yes, Mat is incredibly annoying. He gets better, but he was definitely my least favorite for quite awhile.
Nyneave is the best and keeps getting better, in my opinion, although she definitely has some frustrating aspects too.
@27 AeronaGreenjoy
I liked Perrin trying to imagine girls who fight Trollocs in the Blight. ///And like Leigh, I wonder how they learned the message they gave. /// (Whited out because we never learn the answer).
We do though: ///In EOTW Chapter 51, Ba’alzamon reveals that he both let the Aiel escape and sent Jain Farstrider “whom I painted like a fool” and sent them to the Ogier with the message about blinding the Eye of the World. It was a trap… a pretty long con. He directed those dire-sounding messages to leak out to lure the Dragon to the Eye, so he would reveal his power and could be turned. At least that’s what he claims.///
I remember the pacing seeming a little jarring the first time a read it through. You get over it pretty quickly, though. Some of the story lines thorughout the series get a little slow and you’ll be glad for the frequent changes. It just seems jarring now, because it’s just happening after chapters and chapters of Rand’s POV.
Also, look at you touching the tips of so many icebergs. :)
@AeronaGreenjoy (#27)
I know I’m about a month late, but I noticed something in your post on which I do actually have some real knowledge to share, so I felt compelled to do so:
Assuming both the entrance and exit of the maze are on the outer edges of the maze, this is actually a strategy that is not only effective, but guaranteed to work. Well…. to be perfectly precise, the strategy is
1. If there isn’t a wall to your right or left when you enter the maze, either turn right or left so that now there is. If the path instead leads forward, skip this step.
2. Then, keep (one of) the wall(s) that border the entrance of the maze always on the side it is after completing step 1., hugging that same wall whatever turns it might make.
Sure, you might come across many dead ends that way, but eventually, you WILL find the exit (unless, as mentioned previously, the exit is somehow not on the outer edges of the maze; or the entrance isn’t).
““Holy Foreshadowing, Batman!” It really was set up early and I never caught it.” – @13 yep, didn’t catch that one as well
“@princessroxana (#19) Let’s be fair, councils in LotR never shut up. That’s amazing, though. XD” – Well, for me the councils (where there more then one in LOTR?) are one the best parts of the book.
@53 – “@52 Having read the series I don’t buy in to the liking or disliking characters completly. (Although some do change slightly when Sanderson started writing)” – I’m very interested in that change.
@64 – “Also, look at you touching the tips of so many icebergs. :)” – very nicely put
I enjoy the council now but then I needed to see what was going to happen next and was less interested in background. These days I can listen to Tolkien characters go on about ME’s history and cultures forever.
A little late to this read-along, but better late than never, right?
I have never read this series, so this is my first time through it, and I’m enjoying reading your analysis and thoughts of the story as you go through it! Kudos!
Now, if I can just catch up…
Although I’ve got to say, the changing perspectives are what makes the story to me, I suppose a matter of taste. That was one of the things I loved about “Song of Fire and Ice” and what made the story for me. Being in the same character’s head for too long makes me bored and I just begin reading another different book in parallel. Let’s see how this goes, I suppose.
I do feel extremely intrigued by Elyas and the whole wolf connection. While the story began with a lot of parallels to LOTR, I am now beginning to feel a whole lot of “Song of Fire and Ice” vibes. And, yes, I know that “The Eye of the World” was published first, but I suppose since I never really got into LOTR (I know, blasphemy). Martin’s story just resonates better with me. And the dire wolves connection to the Starks seems very similar to what Elyas is teaching Perrin but to a whole next level.
I’m also really enjoying how Jordan builds in more and more steps for upcoming content (at least that’s how it feels). The Aiel people keep coming up in the story and their time spent with the Tinkers and them being wondering people, I’m guessing we’ll see some more of them as they journey around to find their “song”.
Add Logain to the mix and Thom fighting with the Fade and that’s a full recipe for anxiety!
So much stuff…and I have this scary suspicion that none of it will happen in this book. UGH!!!
@27 AeronaGreenjoy Something I have always heard about mazes too. Just turn the same way consistently and you’ll be out. Thought everyone thought the same, but I guess not.
@41 ProQuest Yep. Mordor was ok, but Minas Tirith and Rohan? Now that was something I can’t put down. To each their own, I guess. Quests are good, of course, but how can I possibly resist an awesome battle?
@52 Princessroxana This made me laugh and realize how differently people read the same exact text. I love Mat’s parts so far, he is by far my favorite of the bunch. Rand and Perrin share 2nd favorite….Nynaeve is right there after the Dark One. I absolutely just cannot stand her. She reminds me of Hermione, always running around spoiling all the fun. Funny how that works.
A little late to this read-along, but better late than never, right?
I have never read this series, so this is my first time through it, and I’m enjoying reading your analysis and thoughts of the story as you go through it! Kudos!
Now, if I can just catch up…
Although I’ve got to say, the changing perspectives are what makes the story to me, I suppose a matter of taste. That was one of the things I loved about “Song of Fire and Ice” and what made the story for me. Being in the same character’s head for too long makes me bored and I just begin reading another different book in parallel. Let’s see how this goes, I suppose.
I do feel extremely intrigued by Elyas and the whole wolf connection. While the story began with a lot of parallels to LOTR, I am now beginning to feel a whole lot of “Song of Fire and Ice” vibes. And, yes, I know that “The Eye of the World” was published first, but I suppose since I never really got into LOTR (I know, blasphemy). Martin’s story just resonates better with me. And the dire wolves connection to the Starks seems very similar to what Elyas is teaching Perrin but to a whole next level.
I’m also really enjoying how Jordan builds in more and more steps for upcoming content (at least that’s how it feels). The Aiel people keep coming up in the story and their time spent with the Tinkers and them being wondering people, I’m guessing we’ll see some more of them as they journey around to find their “song”.
Add Logain to the mix and Thom fighting with the Fade and that’s a full recipe for anxiety!
So much stuff…and I have this scary suspicion that none of it will happen in this book. UGH!!!
@27 AeronaGreenjoy Something I have always heard about mazes too. Just turn the same way consistently and you’ll be out. Thought everyone thought the same, but I guess not.
@41 ProQuest Yep. Mordor was ok, but Minas Tirith and Rohan? Now that was something I can’t put down. To each their own, I guess. Quests are good, of course, but how can I possibly resist an awesome battle?
@52 Princessroxana This made me laugh and realize how differently people read the same exact text. I love Mat’s parts so far, he is by far my favorite of the bunch. Rand and Perrin share 2nd favorite….Nynaeve is right there after the Dark One. I absolutely just cannot stand her. She reminds me of Hermione, always running around spoiling all the fun. Funny how that works.
Glad you are on for the ride, especially as a 1st time reader! Jordan definitely redefined the word Epic! Be advised that further into this blog there will be spoilery comments here, so if you want to experience this, ah, Epic! tale as fresh as possible, then only check out this blog’s comments up to the point where Sylas gave us the OK to not ‘white out’ spoilers. Continue to read his posts but avoid the comments at that point!
@70 Thank you! I appreciate the heads up. Probably will be reading this as I am reading along with the appropriate chapters Sylas is covering, and hopefully catch up. Taking my time enjoying this story, I love Jordan’s writing style.